Quotes from The Manual by Epictetus
Your condition is the result of your own opinions and interpretation
Instead of wishing to be a general, a congressman, or a celibrity, desire to be free.
And the way to be free is to let go of anything that is not within your control
Continually remind yourself that you are a mortal being, and someday will die. This will inspire you
not to waste precious time in fruitless activities
- Find satisfaction in following your philosophy. If you want to be respected, start by respecting
Stop judging the things that fate brings you as "good" or "evil"; only judge your own thoughts, desires,
and actions as good or evil
Where our attention and affection lie, there too is our worship. Take care, then, where you direct your
focus, desires, and dislikes
When you understand that outside events do not touch your deepest self--what matters is your
interpretation and reaction--you can use any circumstance to your benefit
- Trust fate, and trust yourself. Seek advice from the laws of nature, not prognosticators
- Here are some examples of illogical conclusion: "I'm richer than you, therefore I am more valuable
than you." "I'm more eloquent that you. therefore I am superior to you."
The logical conclusions would be: "I'm richer than you, therefore I can buy more things than you."
"I'm more eloquent than you, therefore my speech is more polished than yours."
A person's worth, after all, is not found in possessions or style.
Sheep do not spit out grass to show the farmer how much they've eaten--they ruminate on it, digest it, then
display the results in wool and milk. In the same way, do not spew your undigested thoughts; show their
results in action
The whole point of learning is to live out the teachings